Japan is lightly aware of the dangers of cyber warfare

Japan has changed

Two days before Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced his resignation, Japan finally began its famous Digital Agency project – a new government agency that began to live in fear due to the large number of papers involved with the government on a daily basis.

For all the necessities of forming such an organization, and giving it the political funding that would have been spent after a new leader was elected, the third world economy has left the work in a shameful manner.

Japan has paid a well-known price over the decades for foot-pulling. As the agency progresses more effectively in the country’s economic and social reforms, the shortcomings that can be identified will be significant and the work will be delayed.

But the importance of the Digital Agency’s birth, says people close to the Cabinet Office, are overcoming fears that they might receive a Suga replacement. Japan is aware that its public and private institutions are unprepared for the cyber war, and is highly skeptical that its potential enemies – China, the largest of them – are.

This is an exciting time for the founder and former head of Britain’s National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), Ciaran Martin, to join a small cyber security organization in Japan with an ear for high-end Japanese echelons. government. Other consultants at the company, Nihon Cyber ​​Security, also includes a former Japanese military major and a former General Staff officer in Taiwan.

Martin’s rise as a consultant, says new colleagues, is in line with the government’s efforts to establish a comprehensive defense strategy by the end of December and a change of mindset over the country’s threats. The program of redemption of redemption Closing America’s largest pipeline in May was not the latest in a series of deadly weapons, says Nihon Cyber ​​Defense. But it was a temporary illustration for the people around the Suga (many of whom may remain in the next organization) in which international insecurity is evident today.

This is happening, he said, which has seen the gradual progress of Japanese government agencies and governments in building defense mechanisms, now it is important.

To some extent, Japan seems to have moved into a new state-of-the-art security force related to the Taiwan conflict and the rest of China’s security sector. The July defense report stated this. The idea of ​​those who are pushing for courage is that if Tokyo focuses more on the threat from a very cruel China, it will see its shortcomings in war and cyber security. Just before the launch of the Digital Agency, the Japanese Ministry of Defense issued a major request. He added that an increase of $ 50bn was needed for the coming financial year in the field of conventional weapons and cyber weapons.

But Japanese government advisers say that behind the scandal is a lack of certainty and lack of skills on how to use the global defense capabilities that national, energy, medical and industrial needs require.

Conflicts provoke anger in helping to address responsibilities in small groups and whether legislative and regulatory changes are necessary to address the power that may be needed. Related questions also include whether Japanese companies and government agencies should abandon their self-defense measures, whose main goal is to ensure a speedy recovery. Instead some experts defend a strong defense that seeks and eliminates threats.

Most importantly, however, is the creation of a section that will place the cyber security status in Japan on a person who has the ability to understand threats and the ability to connect several governmental, intelligence and military groups in response. Japan may not yet have developed the politics or even theological wisdom necessary to consider such a task, let alone its potential. But it has an example in the UK, which has made the NCSC a very helpful and covetous one, whose chief of security online, Martin, is on the Tokyo regulatory law books.

The problem of pulling all of these together – even if they make them the most urgent thing in the world – would be a big one. The design of the Digital Agency, however different from the cyber war story, shows that Japan is aware that it has no time to destroy.


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