The judge opens Apple’s App Store to compete

The U.S. judge in charge of the lawsuit against Apple at Epic Games refused to give both sides a full victory.

Kate Adams, Apple’s attorney general, summoned verdict “Great success”, reflecting the court’s decision that “Apple is not the only one who follows” state or federal laws “.

However, the iPhone maker is being pressured to allow US manufacturers to go through the App Store payment tool by combining links or links to “buy channels” outside the platform.

Apple did not decide if it will. But if the ruling is carried out, it means that more than $ 60bn of the App Store a year will go into competition – which could cost billions of iPhone manufacturers at a higher rate due to rivals of 15-30% “Apple Tax”.

However, Epic, which makes them popular Four men the game, was unsatisfactory and determined to contest the election. What was really needed was a pay-per-view payment system that took Apple off cutting, rather than pretending to link to a pay-out page outside the app.

Epic also wants a full flood to the App Store and allows people to download their games to their devices as they do on a PC. And it wanted the judge to declare Apple the only unofficial person. He lost both points.

Here are four key points to come out of Friday:

1. “The court concludes that the anti-Apple weapons hide a lot from consumers and disrupt consumer decisions. In addition to violating Apple’s code of conduct, these anti-regulatory practices are anti-competitive and counter-intuitive.” Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers

When the court failed to announce apple the only exception, it was clear that it was acting against the competition that needed to be fixed.

Developers have been complaining for years about this. Players a Four men, produced by Epic, was able to buy the game’s so-called “V-bucks” online, but the bills would not have been visible when playing on the iPhone.

The support of Gonzalez Rogers could change this – a huge success though it doesn’t satisfy Epic.

Earlier this month Apple he agreed for “app readers” who would allow Netflix and Spotify to pay directly to consumers as long as they are outside the app. Friday’s ruling, extends this to gaming apps that account for more than 70 percent of the total App Store revenue.

2. “Apple provides secure and reliable users on iOS, which encourages all users and developers to do things freely and profitably.” González Rogers

Apple claims the verdict is a “big victory”, which is what it points to.

All of Apple’s business dealings with tens of thousands of manufacturers were on trial, and the court found that the structure was legitimate and controversial. Its security measures and App review – all of which Epic calls “security games” – have been identified as “a rivalry between Apple”.

It is easy to imagine Apple repeating in courtrooms around the world Gonzalez Rogers claiming that they are makers “symbolically benefited from the ever-expanding and growing iOS environment”.

3. “There is nothing but lawsuits that seem to encourage Apple to focus on pricing and lower prices.” Gonzalez Rogers

Although he did not find that Apple controlled itself in civil or civil cases, Gonzalez Rogers never allowed it.

He blamed the company for consumer controversy, agreed with Epic experts that the App Store’s pages were “too high” by more than 72 percent, and said the game share contributes to all other software developers.

In the comments above, he lamented the comments of Cook Cook, the senior, that Apple cut some half to 15% out of grief over the effects of the coronavirus epidemic and the desire to promote competition. He also told officials who agree that the decision is also about future cases.

4. “Today the decision will not be successful for developers or consumers. Epic is fighting a fierce competition between the means to pay for software and a software platform for one billion people. ” Tim Sweeney, head of Epic Games

The official’s tweet, as well as confirmation that Epic has appealed the verdict, shows that the final outcome of the dispute is less than a year old.

Among the lost are Four men fans, as Sweeney said Epic has no plans to reintroduce the popular game on iPhones until it “could offer a mid-prize fee with Apple”.

Apple had no doubt that its in-app payment would not be made to anyone else, nor did the judge see fit to place this in an orderly manner.

Everywhere, even though Epic has announced its appeal, the case is bringing major changes to the iPhone since its inception in 2007.

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The decision should be “of great benefit to software developers, who can now sell their iOS products without Apple’s 30% off any sale,” said Christian Owens, Paddle’s chief financial officer.

He also said that active support for Apple’s decision would be appropriate due to strong pressure from developers and antitrust agencies around the world.

“When you fight, you fight, but it seems like the whole world is against you, you accept change,” he said. “Apple has millions of manufacturers, so that’s a good reason to go back to the good stuff of developers.”

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