A closed epiphany that was not

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The most urban creature I know has been an amazingly high-altitude mountain climber. One of my friends, who eats with them, now enjoys cooking at home. Both report a permanent change in mindset to go with a change in routine. All of these are one of the biggest cases of human change in the last 18 months.

Too much, there is a whole kind of media. How we confuse you with the pressures we face: cities, the protection of tourists, even socializing with them was worth the candle, the wisdom of educating children, the necessities of economic growth, the idea of ​​work shortThe desire to see people’s faces, whether sex was really fun, and the hope of returning to the regular nadir in 2019.

Most of these are wet but harmless. One of the businesses, Matthew Yglesias, it is true that the media has a strong sense of “99th percentile of neuroticism”. The remainder, however, in making the closure as a hidden gift to the creatures, if we could just see them, would not be good. Elsewhere, a ruthless satirist writes a play called Oh! Time To Arrive At The Beautiful Home.

Either way, the pressure is on those who have a platform to share their own epiphany. And at this point I have to pull out the empty bags. It’s more acceptable than a pillar, I know, but I’m standing before you an unchanging person.

Quite frankly, the plague alone is not a problem. No one can come out or be amazed by the history of the world without the knowledge of a lifetime. I am closing, pausing in the “busy”, which has been given more meaning than it can. What started out as small jokes on banana bread also reflected modernity and the winners: students, towns, phones.

It’s a shame that I’m not, in fact, coming in after a hard time with nothing new in life. But there it is. I’m coming out as before, thank you. I will go for a walk as new conflicts will allow. If some of the townspeople long for Arcadian life, I encourage them to find a more prominent place rather than around the cities to their liking. As far as I’ve changed, it’s improving speed and interest: passing some of the 40 years this Asian city is a goal now, more than ever.

Undoubtedly, my failure to close in on the Damascene reveals poor thoughts. But which side is the strongest in its approach here? What is best known for the complexities of life that I continue to read is the well-known ones. Metropolitans have always been lovers of natural worship. Families have often fled the cities. Mid-life ennui is always dressed up as the wrong thing by outsiders. What is new is the respect that such ideas have gained over the past year and a half. In other words, closing did not change these people as much as it did me. It only honors the desires that existed.

If this is just the tip of the iceberg, we can let it taste. But there is an anti-modern vein in the middle good intentions it should be treated like a vulture. Last year, I met an adult, a newborn in science, who believed “in my heart” that the virus and nature “send a message” about our lives. This type of hokum is a companion – unchanged like me since 2020 – called “mental obesity”. That’s what happens when more studies are met with residues. If it does not fail, it is dangerous.

Fellow author Matthew Parris notes an unmistakable story closed by a Times reader: “middle-class people hide and work from the people who bring them things”. It is not surprising that some in the first category prefer what has been defined as the proper evil. I just think of Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now. “One day,” he tells his men, uneasily, “the war is over.”

Email Janan to janan.ganesh@ft.com

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