UK is preparing for the ‘mix and match’ program Covid vacoster booster

Modifications of the Covid-19 vaccine

UK is set to become the first major country to offer the “mix and match” vaccine for coronavirus with its promotional program, according to government officials.

Most Britons are expected to have a variety of vaccines in the first two jabs of the third, most promising, in defense of the Covid-19 defense, officials say.

Officials want to continue the inspiring spring campaign after studying differently from Oxford University and the founding team of Zoe Covid found that protection against infectious diseases provided by BioNTech / Pfizer and the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine decreased after four to six months doses.

The government’s final decision on its proposal will be made once the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, after consultation, advises.

The UK vaccine program has been administered by AstraZeneca, which has been found to be less effective in dealing with Deltaic coronavirus infection compared to Pfizer.

However, some studies have suggested that AstraZeneca has produced more permanent antibodies in humans than Pfizer and other jabs using mRNA technology.

The JCVI is preparing its recommendations to the government regarding the incentive program.

JCVI members met Thursday to review the University of Southampton’s Cov-Boost case study. It looked at antibody responses among people who were previously given AstraZeneca or Pfizer jabs when they were given one in seven vaccinations as a third phase.

Previous studies have also reported the benefits of combining it with the corresponding vaccine. The Oxford study, published in June, showed that those who received the first jab of AstraZeneca and the second second Pfizer experienced a seven-fold increase compared to those who had two AstraZeneca models.

Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, said the combination of AstraZeneca and the mRNA vaccine “could provide better, more lasting protection when used together”.

Officials say it is expected that more people will receive the incentive vaccine different from those used in their initial tests.

The general manager of Health of Insider said: “We offer Pfizer to those who had AstraZeneca for the first time, and AstraZeneca to those who had Pfizer. It’s the best way to get adequate protection.”

A senior official at Whitehall confirmed that Mixing Doses is “how we do the autumn program”.

The Department of Health responded by responding to a request: “Our independent regulator, MHRA, has confirmed that the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines are effective and effective to be used as supportive jabs and a third-class immune system.

“We will continue to prepare for the spring incentive program. . . Any promotional program – including vaccines that can be recommended for use – will be in line with the final recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Vaccination. ”

Israel, the most developed country along with its promotional program, relies on Pfizer, which is used primarily in comparison to the first vaccine. The U.S. is required to adhere to the same vaccine, based on a three-pronged trial of manufacturers.

But some countries have offered a mixture of jabs and comparisons of the first and second jabs. In Europe some governments have agreed to mix after being exposed to rare complications from AstraZeneca-related blood transfusions to allow people who have been given the drug to have a second vaccine.

Clive Dix, the former head of the vaccine in the UK government, said it was a well-known fact in the scientific community that “exercise” was more effective at strengthening the human immune system than giving another vaccine.

“Vaccine science has shown. . . that if you grow someone with a different vaccine you have a stronger response than you can give the same one, ”he added.

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