China-US ties remain stony despite the rights of Huawei’s ‘Michaels’ and Meng Wanzhou

Changes in relations between US-China

Meng Wanzhou, the successor to China’s chief technology officer Huawei, returned home to a funeral on Saturday night, after nearly three years of fighting to oust US people from Vancouver.

His release coincided with two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who returned to Canada after their rights were confirmed by the Prime Minister. Justin trudeau. Kovrig and Spavor had been arrested in China on national security charges in connection with the reversal of Meng’s arrest in December 2018, although Chinese officials denied any connection between the charges.

The end of the long negotiations came after Meng agreed a delay in the case in the US on violations of Iran’s laws, I point out that human rights activists can deal with difficult conflicts and even severe damage to relations in recent years.

According to sources familiar with the talks, Chinese and US ambassadors agreed in July to set up a task force to investigate cases such as Meng, Kovrig and Spavor. The people also added that the agreement is with the concrete developer to come out in a different way storm meetings between Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State for the United States, and her Chinese counterparts in Tianjin.

But misconceptions about their homeland on Meng’s return to the southern city of Shenzhen, Huawei’s capital, were indications that China-US relations would remain strained, especially after announcing to Joe Biden last week. Third military alliance and Australia and the UK.

After being silent for hours on Saturday during a news conference, Chinese TV announced the return of Meng overnight. He was received by thousands of people and thanked President Xi Jinping for his freedom.

Hua Chunying, China’s foreign policy chief, condemned the US lawsuit against Meng as “politically harassing Chinese citizens” and “an attempt to disrupt China’s top corporations”. Meng is Huawei’s chief financial officer and daughter of the founder Ren Zhengfei, a former member of the People’s Liberation Army and insisted that the company be kept private, without government or military support.

Ned Price, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of State, said the U.S. had called for “immediate and unconditional release for all. [People’s Republic of China] he is in prison ”.

Justin Trudeau hugs Michael Kovrig, left, Kovrig and Michael Spavor return to Canada on Saturday © CTV / AP

While Biden’s management wants to use the concept of Meng’s case as the starting point for a united relationship, Van Jackson, a Pentagon now-based at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, said the move was “too small…. it is very difficult “.

“Naturally, China and the US have been established as opponents and I don’t think the authorities want to tolerate the conflict,” he said. “This is good news, and it is a reassuring indication that it is possible to have a competitive edge in the game. It’s not just a game changer.”

Jonathan Sullivan, director of the University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute, said the article showed that the US and whites needed to realize that the agreement with China “would want to be compromised, perhaps even worse”.

“For the past few years, all we have seen and taken, both sides. And the result has been a rapid deterioration of relationships, to the point where people are already talking about a a new cold war . . . I’m not saying China should have the freedom to do whatever it wants, but we need a solution to the competition, “he said.

However, the end of Meng’s trial put an end to the long-running civil war developing a paying relationship between China and the US and Canada.

“The amended agreement will come to an end in the case in Canada, which could have lasted for months, even years,” said Mark J Lesko, assistant attorney general for the US Department of Defense, Meng shortly after hearing in Brooklyn.

Although Meng pleaded not guilty and was released, the US accepted him misleading HSBCabout Huawei’s relationship with Hong Kong-based company Skycom, which operates in Iran, as a success.

“Meng’s reception confirms the government’s claim that he has been defrauded of money – that Meng and his Huawei partners have been trying to deceive international financial institutions, the US government and the general public on Huawei’s actions in Iran,” he said. Nicole Boeckmann, U.S. attorney general for eastern New York.

Despite Meng’s cooperation with government prosecutors, U.S. officials are reluctant to file charges against Huawei, citing Washington’s 15-year-long campaign against a group of Chinese experts – which began when it first sought to enter the U.S. market in the early 2000s – and far from extinction.

“Our prosecution team is still preparing to prosecute Huawei, and we look forward to proving our case against the company in court,” Aleng Kohler, a senior assistant at the FBI intelligence team, told Meng on Friday.

Huawei will continue to defend itself against the allegations.

Tom Mitchell in Singapore, Edward White in Seoul, Demetrius Sevastopulo and Lauren Fedor in Washington, Stefania Palma in Montreal and Sun Yu in Beijing

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