Alcohol Is A Risk Of Breast Cancer No One Want To Discuss

Martinez had never done anything for the media and did not consider himself smart in television. But after ARG won $ 100,000, he was running monitoring teams, overseeing a team of cancer consultants, and forming a team of researchers together and collaborating with an ARG communications specialist. “Young women have shown that they do not want to be told what to do,” Martinez says of the monitoring groups. “’Squeezing your breasts a bit’ sounds like a good idea.”

Preparations for the media began when the epidemic forced the closure of the country. As the plague continued, alcohol consumption increased, especially among women. The average drinking time among women, called four drinks or more in a few hours, increased by 41%, according to research by RAND Corporation. (This study compared the initial survey of 1,540 adults conducted at the end of 2019 with their responses following the end of 2020.)

But refusing alcohol is not easy. As the U.S. gained during the ban on terrorism from 1920 to 1933, alcohol critics are unpopular. Sharima Rasanayagam, senior scientist at Breast Cancer Prevention Partners in San Francisco, talks about the causes of breast cancer, and her audience is so excited that she mentions alcohol. “People like to drink and they don’t like to hear this,” he says. He tells them that quantity is important: “Even a little, drink a little.”

This is a message she speaks with caution, to prevent women from feeling guilty when they have breast cancer and to ask themselves “Why me?” Cases of breast cancer cannot be linked to alcohol alone, because many factors, including genetics and environmental factors, contribute to the disease, he explains. YouTube video linked to the Breast Cancer Prevention Partners page. But Rasanayagam also says that the risks increase — and alcohol is what women reduce. Less drinks, whether later or one day, mean less acetaldehyde and have a strong effect on estrogen. “It has been shown that if you drink a little, it reduces your risk,” he says. (Breast Cancer Prevention Partner is a Drink Less for Your Breast campaign consultant.)

This is nonsense but, in its own way, bold, made in the media, says David Jernigan, a Boston University alcoholologist, who has been working in the field for 35 years. “Priscilla’s actions in California are broken, “he says.

Jernigan says alcohol abuse–Which, which also includes drunken driving and association with violence – promotes a greater response similar to what happens in the fight against tobacco. He also said that in Estonia, there was a campaign promoting “Let’s have a drink!” reduces the use of the individual and 28 percent. (Estonia’s alcohol policy also includes advertising bans, regulation, higher taxes, and more attention to aid.)

The World Health Organization is making a comeback global policy; The document sets out the goal of reducing single-person use by 20% by 2030 (using 2010 as a starting point). It urges countries to establish and implement “measures that may have a significant impact,” such as alcohol taxes, bans on advertising, and emphasis on awareness of health risks.

Jernigan says the experiment is a good part that doesn’t go far enough. He favors the establishment of an international treaty on alcohol, similar to “Framework for the Anti-Tobacco Conference, ”The first such discussion was conducted through the World Health Organization. Signed by 168 countries that have pledged to take action to ban tobacco advertising, raise cigarette taxes, and ban young people from smoking.

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